While on a ketogenic low carb diet, you need to know what your putting in your body and to know the contents of the specified food
While on a low carb diet you need to eat foods with more fats than carbs in order to get the desired effects.
That is why most people eat a lot of fruits thinking they are a safe low carb do but it actually isn’t as you can see in our list of common keto diet mistakes people often make
So in this list we are going to brake some of the fruits down for you .
1. Star fruit
8.8 g of carbs
5.1 g of Net carbs
2. Clementine
8.9 g of carbs
7.6 g of Net carbs
11.6 g of carbs
8.6 g of Net carbs
4. Watermelons
11.6 g of carbs
11 g of Net carbs
5. Coconut
12.1 g of carbs
4.9 g of Net carbs
6. Pear
12.3 g of carbs
8 g of Net carbs
7. Avocado
12.8 g of carbs
8 g of net carbs
8. Blackberries
13.8 g of carbs
6.2 g of Net carbs
9. Apples
14. g of carbs
12.6 g of net carbs
10. Cantalope
14.4 g of carbs
8.4 g of carbs
11. Peach
14.6 g of carbs
12.3 g of net carbs
12. Raspberries
14.7 g of carbs
6.7 g of Net carbs
In conclusion :
What are the best and the worst fruits and berries to eat on a low-carb diet?1 Here’s the short version: most berries are OK low-carb foods in moderate amounts, but fruits can be seen as candy from nature (they contain quite a lot of sugar).2 Just because the sugar comes from a fruit does not mean that it’s good for you.